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Why More Women Suffer From Hair Loss These Days

Hair loss or baldness isn't something that's limited to males only, and females are also affected by this curse. Hair loss is something that not only takes away the hair from a person's head, but it also takes away his or her confidence and becomes a matter of embarrassment as well.

There are numerous causes behind the problem of hair loss among females and understanding them is the initial step to get an effective solution.

Loss of hair in females has become considerably more obvious nowadays than it was before. A few decades ago, we just used to discover thinning hair in the elderly women. Specialists thought of it as was both expected and acknowledged part of ageing.

As the times have changed, females between the age group of 20 to 50 also start witnessing extreme hair loss, which wasn't seen before. Young women are afraid to even talk about the possibility of getting bald so early.

Shockingly, doctors have started to acknowledge there are many reasons for female baldness. Alopecia, a medical condition that causes hair loss is being diagnosed among many women these days.

Diet And Food

Deficiencies of nutrients in our diet have become far more common these days, and now our food items are filled with harmful sugar, salt, and preservative chemicals. We have almost stopped eating fruits and vegetables, and fill our stomachs with junk food only.

This is bad for our hair and overall health as well because iron, protein, Vitamin B is considered important for hair, but these are missing from our diets mostly.

Side effects of medications are seen as another major factor that results in hair loss. Among individuals who suffer from obesity and diabetes, it is quite common to see hair fall problem because the heavy diet consumed by obese people and due to the medicines consumed by diabetics. Women can slow down the speed of their hair fall by improving their diet.

Immune System Disorder

It's a known fact that diseases are a major reason behind. One sort of baldness occurs because of an immune system problem known as alopecia areata. This type of alopecia can even affect a person's eyebrows and body hair.

The reason for this issue is somewhat hereditary qualities. Apart from deficiencies in our diets and illness, balding can likewise be caused by stress, hormonal imbalance or nutritional deficiency.

Without any question, if you need to discover the causes alone, you can undoubtedly observe, you may need to change your diet or end up losing more hair. It is an unpredictable and complex issue, but there are treatments available to solve baldness problem. Hair transplant treatment in Dubai is one of the most reliable, safe, and highly effective procedure that can bring hair on your head permanently.

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